
The Foundation is pleased to support two outstanding students from Florida A&M University (FAMU) who are interning at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) this summer. LLNL has a history of scientific collaboration with FAMU, the nation’s only historically black university to offer both a PhD in Physics and a concentration in High Energy Density Physics – a field that is fundamental to much of the national defense and basic science work done at the Lab.

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Because it’s a long way from Florida to California and the cost of living in California (especially the San Francisco Bay Area!) is so high, the Foundation is providing funds for the students’ travel and housing. This funding enables the students to spend their summer here in Livermore while interning at the Lab.

We extend our Congratulations to postdoc Daniel Gebremedhin and grad student Jerry Clark. We welcome them to Livermore, and we wish them all the best!